''BoBoiBoy'' is a Malaysian animated series produced by Animonsta Studios, centres on a boy who has superpower and able to separate into three. With his friends, Ying, Yaya and Gopal, they fight to protect the earth from alien threats to conquer the Earth to hunt down for cocoa beans. BoBoiBoy series published in HDTV format, and is scheduled to broadcast over TV3 began on 13 March 2011, and on Disney Channel Asia from 18 June 2011. == Season One == The first season of BoBoiBoy was aired on Sunday, 13 March 2011 at 7:00 pm. The episode started when the main character, BoBoiBoy went to Tok Aba (BoBoiBoy's grandfather) home in Rintis Island during school holiday. On the same time, Adu Du, an alien from Planet Atata Tiga came to Earth, searching for energy resources. He found out that there was a powerful energy - cocoa, which was extinct on his planet 30,000 years ago. Adu Du wanted to conquer all the cocoa for himself, so that he could be a hero for his planet. To make sure his plan succeed, he got help from Power Sphere (Ochobot). However, because Adu Du used Tok Aba's Cocoa to activate him, Ochobot gave powers to BoBoiBoy and his new friends, Ying, Yaya and Gopal. For the first season there are 13 slots with every slot consisting of two episodes. This makes a total of 26 episodes all together. Each episode lasts for 11 minutes. Because of popularity of this animation, Animonsta Studios agreed to air an additional episode named "Extended Finale" on 1 January 2012. *Gopal absent one episode. ''Note :'' The Title of the episode given in this table is not stated in the episode itself but is given to it by the viewers themselves. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of BoBoiBoy episodes」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク